Creating a website in Vologda from 11 900 rubles!
Creating a website is a multi-faceted and complex process that requires combining several different components.…

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Что такое стильный web-сайт?
Stylish web-site is when each page of your publication has a pronounced belonging to the…

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Work with the customer on the eve of website creation
The bulk of people surfing the Internet do not think much about how the web…

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Content management system

CMS (Content management system) is translated from English “content management system/site”. Thanks to a convenient and simple interface, working with the data flow does not cause any difficulties. Once, most sites had to be managed via FTP. To make some adjustments or changes, it was necessary to thoroughly know the structure of the portal and a minimum understanding of the HTML language. Now the site management system allows even beginners to easily understand their complex architecture. Management is much easier because of the easy language of writing sites-PHP.

Requirements for CMS
The site management system allows even inexperienced users to freely work with content. Continue reading

Website web design development
When discussing the design of the future site, quite often the customer has a question:…


How to choose a web Studio to create a website
Bill gates said, " If Your business isn't online, you're not in business." Since then,…


2 first steps of search engine optimization
The purpose of search engine optimization is to allow search engines not only to find…
