How to make sales through the online store effective?
If Your company is engaged in wholesale or retail trade, the creation of an online…

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Technology website promotion
There are General principles of website promotion in the TOP search engines. In principle, they…

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The purchase of hosting
Creating a website, as you know, is quite a difficult task, which includes several operations.…

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Work with the customer on the eve of website creation

The bulk of people surfing the Internet do not think much about how the web page is arranged at all or with the help of what technologies it is made. They just look and in their head the thought lights up – I want the same chip to my site. They have no idea what is behind the appearance. The fact that they will see the code or someone will explain it to them, probably will not help them either. The option of working with such customers is to speak the same language with them and provide as many pictures that they can “touch”. And it is best to show examples. Naturally it is important to understand the meaning and usability of all these bells and whistles. The client is usually nervous because he does not know You. You can ask for an example of what they want. And then tell them their own idea for full awareness. At the first meeting:
do not overload the customer with unnecessary elements, processes related to the production of web solutions.
discuss clear topics, explain abbreviations, use examples to explain abstract things live examples, and reduce the use of technical slang
the more the client does not understand, the more he will be in uncertainty, and what will be better and more correct for him…
introduce the customer into the unfamiliar world of Internet technologies gradually and do not use technical terms, explaining the better use of CSS3 instead of javaScript…
The first meeting should bring an understanding of what kind of project the client wants to get out. Here are some abstract examples:
Solution concept: do we advertise or sell something?
Approach: promotion page or corporate resource?
Segment: find a new audience or have a clear segment and need to cover it?
Goal: only the client knows to the end that he wants to achieve the result.
ACHIEVE is the key word. The task of the Studio, as the user-to give the client what he wants, making efforts to achieve this. As a result, a certain work plan with a certain budget emerges. Creating a professional website requires a naturally good amount of money, and most importantly you need to convey to the client the need for maximum thoughtfulness and coordination of the Internet project at the design stage. Making a “small amendment” to the site carries a much greater threat to the project than it can be imagined. It is necessary to integrate the new “feature” into the current functionality, which will require more resources and can postpone the deadline for the project for weeks… And do not forget, the task of the Studio is not just to make a website and send the client “with God”, namely to accompany him with further service connected with the support and completion of the project, and to provide a full range of Internet marketing services, which is so important nowadays.

Competent website development: design, graphics, content
In this article we will talk about the process of website development. Undoubtedly, the design…


Construction site: features
It is no longer necessary to talk about the need for a private Internet site…


Links to the site for successful promotion!
It's no secret that for the successful promotion of the site in the TOP need…
