Content management system
CMS (Content management system) is translated from English "content management system/site". Thanks to a convenient…

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Birth certificate apostille -
Why use system VDS
Nowadays, there are various technologies that allow just a few days to develop interesting sites,…

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Home page design
The purpose of the main page — to interest the user so that he wanted…

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The importance of the brief on the development of website design in the work of Digital Agency

The dialogue between the customer and the contractor which determines what is important, what can be called mutual understanding to achieve the desired result of designers, coders and other personnel working in the field of marketing was called brief. The term was the result of developments of definitions equally understood by both the client and the customer. The need for such work has been brewing for a long time, because you will agree, it is quite difficult to be guided by generally accepted definitions in your work, moreover, when everyone understands them in their own way, both in meaning and in essence. As a result, the dialogue between the customer and the contractor in the development of website design or corporate identity should give an answer to simple, but at the same time essential questions for the contractor-the contractor should have an idea about the company’s work, its name and how to spell the company’s name, whether there is a translation of the name into other languages, what name the client prefers colors, etc.If, for example, this kind of work the site owner has already ordered, what did not suit him the previous version, and is it possible to finalize the previously existing project? And of course, what results (final goals) the client wants to get from the new work. If it is possible to clarify the goals of the company, especially expressed in the motto-it will help to fulfill the wishes of the customer more fully. As a rule, all companies and firms with some success in work, have those distinctive features, the presence of which allows the company to maintain its image and credibility, this information will help to present the face of the company from a more favorable side and focus attention on the target audience. It is important to all segments of the population for which the products are addressed, age range, gender of potential customers and the estimated level of their income. If it is impossible to formulate exactly what to like, it is possible to start from the opposite, to formulate – what is not pleasant or is not perceived, if possible, the reasons for such non-perception. It is desirable to specify the color scheme and various “little things” that in your opinion can help to get the desired result, and of course to answer additional questions that may arise from the artist. This approach to the order allows you to solve many issues. It is clear that for example, the designer has experience in performing various kinds of work and the typical response of the customer in this case may sound – You know better… But at the same time, every designer comes to a new job wanting to do it individually under this specific project and customer’s request, and this approach is beneficial for the customer, since it allows not only to clearly specify what constitutes a company or firm, but also to embody in a specific project all the information and using graphical solutions to emphasize the direction of development, goals and aspirations of the company, to represent it in a competing environment is not only favorable, but also to justify the benefits that will really help the company to establish itself. It is also important to understand that it is at this stage that the contractor can convince the client that such a direction, such an environment or a trend is most perceived or understood today, that this direction of execution of the client’s wishes has a greater chance of success. After all, in these matters, the interests of both the customer and the client coincide.

How to fill the site with unique content?
Do you have a ready-made online store, corporate website, but it is without the necessary…


Что такое стильный web-сайт?
Stylish web-site is when each page of your publication has a pronounced belonging to the…


Content management system
CMS (Content management system) is translated from English "content management system/site". Thanks to a convenient…
