Website web design development
When discussing the design of the future site, quite often the customer has a question:…

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Outsourcing online store management: pros and cons
Online store management: complex of technical works related to maintenance and development of the resource…

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Content management system
CMS (Content management system) is translated from English "content management system/site". Thanks to a convenient…

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copied code

Work with the customer on the eve of website creation

The bulk of people surfing the Internet do not think much about how the web page is arranged at all or with the help of what technologies it is made. They just look and in their head the thought lights up – I want the same chip to my site. They have no idea what is behind the appearance. The fact that they will see the code or someone will explain it to them, probably will not help them either. The option of working with such customers is to speak the same language with them and provide as many pictures that they can “touch”. And it is best to show examples. Naturally it is important to understand the meaning and usability of all these bells and whistles. The client is usually nervous because he does not know You. You can ask for an example of what they want. Continue reading

Launching an online store: what you need to know

There are many factors to consider when launching a new commercial Internet project. If you make mistakes, the result will be very different from the website of your dreams.

Consider the main items of the budget, which must be taken seriously.

Website development and design
These are the main costs that you should consider when drawing up the starting budget of your project. While other costs are not necessarily laid down at the start, and can be painted as the development, the creation of the site must be paid before the launch of the project. Continue reading

Technology website promotion

There are General principles of website promotion in the TOP search engines. In principle, they are all available on the Internet, but there is a lot written and a lot is not the case)))

need a specific page, which is promoted to the TOP for a specific request.
on this page you need 100% UNIQUE content (there are online proveryali texts for uniqueness — free available) with 2-5% exact inclusion of the desired search query and the like, diluted in other words.
Need articles on the site, links from which will go to this page. The names of the links are close, but not all 100% match the query. The more the better. The more natural, the better. Continue reading

How to choose a web Studio to create a website
Bill gates said, " If Your business isn't online, you're not in business." Since then,…


Construction site: features
It is no longer necessary to talk about the need for a private Internet site…


Home page design
The purpose of the main page — to interest the user so that he wanted…
