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Information is the basis of the Internet!

Information-that’s what primarily attracts visitors to Your site. Everything else only helps to Orient in it and facilitates access. And from this point of view, the very first question that can be presented to a WEB site-what do you actually need? What can you tell me that I don’t know? You’re better than others?

On what circle of people the WEB-site is calculated?
Ask yourself that. For teenagers or professors-physicians? – this issue directly affects the design of the site, and the information that should be placed on the site. Based on the contingent of prospective visitors, try to stand up to their point of view and arrange the menu items of Your site in order of attractiveness for the visitor (not for the web-master) – it can be quite difficult, but you can already check the statistics of attendance of sections after the launch of the site and, on this basis, adjust the menu.As an example, for example, a supposed web site of a supposed firm; -) specializing in the provision of financial information. And now the question: what is the most interesting information for the user? The history of the company? NO. Staff? NO. Services? Not really. The dollar? YES, YES, YES. And this information should be available on the first page, not in some menu buried in the wilds of the site.

What is information?
On-line publication of an article or statistics, controversy over a hot issue or an interview with a star?

Let’s start by publishing a book on the Internet. Books are designed to read from beginning to end (excluding reference books and dictionaries) – we are used to it, so on the Internet we have to put it in such a way that it can be read from beginning to end. Hypertext allows you to organize the contents in easy hyperlinks and go directly to the section you want; but if one reads all in a row, at the end of each section we need to make a link to the next without them having to sneak back in search of the table of contents. In addition, unlike an ordinary book, in which footnotes appear every now and then, in an HTML document, such a footnote can and should be issued as a transition to a Glossary or a separate page on which this footnote is explained.

In case of publication of any scientific article or hot material there are, as a rule, responses and reviews. They need to be issued as separate documents, but at the end of the reviewed document you need to make a reference to the review – this will allow the reader to get acquainted with all the pros and cons.

Now consider the case where we have statistical data. What are the statistics? Correctly-in the form of tables. Now, the question is: do You like long tables where you can find anything within half an hour of starting the study? I’m not. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the user and give him the information that is interesting to him (and not necessarily publish the entire database on the Internet). If the information does not fit in the browser window and requires scrolling horizontally (Oh horror! Do they look at their own tables?), divide one large table into several small and easy-to-understand ones, and then link them with cross-references (that’s what hypertext is for :). And if You still get a long table, then visually separate, for example, every fifth row by changing the color of the cell (all modern browsers support this).

And if Your article or table occupies more than five screens, place at the beginning of a short list of subsections and local links from them within the article.

Information is the basis of the Internet!
Information-that's what primarily attracts visitors to Your site. Everything else only helps to Orient in…


Computer hardware configuration
What is described below assumes that You want to make a beautiful and stylish website…


Что такое стильный web-сайт?
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