Double quotes in meta tags, or how not to make harakiri
How to correctly place quotation marks in meta-tags? If the client requires or is required…

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How to create a website for free?
Before we go directly to the topic of free website creation, let's think a little.…

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Content management system
CMS (Content management system) is translated from English "content management system/site". Thanks to a convenient…

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Trends in the design of modern sites

Web technologies and the information world do not stand still, so all active members of the network are trying to adapt to innovative processes. This evolution has also left its mark on websites. It used to be easier to efficiently create website there was a static, standard theme and checked the schema content. But there have been several key changes at this stage. What are the main trends in the appearance of modern resources?

1. Content
The phrase “content king” has bored many webmasters, editors and copywriters, but it is still relevant. No matter how fast the site is, no matter how great it would be decorated, but if the visitor does not find anything interesting or useful on its pages, such a resource is doomed. Continue reading

How much is the site of a wholesale children's clothing factory?
Case: website development for children's clothing factory Difficulty: high Price: from 150 000 rubles Elapsed…


A picture worth a thousand words
Now let's talk about the schedule on the Web-pages, because it is thanks to her…


Optimizing images in JPG format
So, graphics for Your pages is ready. But putting it on the server is too…
