Website promotion by traffic
We are pleased to offer a new type of search engine optimization and website promotion…

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Office furniture online stores
Online furniture store is one of the easiest ways to trade successfully, which requires only…

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Home page design
The purpose of the main page — to interest the user so that he wanted…

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The importance of the brief on the development of website design in the work of Digital Agency

The dialogue between the customer and the contractor which determines what is important, what can be called mutual understanding to achieve the desired result of designers, coders and other personnel working in the field of marketing was called brief. The term was the result of developments of definitions equally understood by both the client and the customer. The need for such work has been brewing for a long time, because you will agree, it is quite difficult to be guided by generally accepted definitions in your work, moreover, when everyone understands them in their own way, both in meaning and in essence. Continue reading

How much is the site?

If You have made a choice in favor of professional website creation, namely you want to order it through a web-Studio, then one of the first questions arises :” how much does it cost to create a website?”.

The price of the issue-the creation of the site-depends on many factors and can vary within a fairly wide range. You can find a web-Studio that claims to make a website for 3000 rubles, and you can – and for 300,000 rubles. Let’s see, what is the cost of the site?

There are several components, of which in the end, and the cost of the site:

development of the concept (main idea) of the site;
writing technical specifications (commonly used abbreviation-TK); Continue reading

The importance of the brief on the development of website design in the work of Digital Agency

The dialogue between the customer and the contractor which determines what is important, what can be called mutual understanding to achieve the desired result of designers, coders and other personnel working in the field of marketing was called brief. The term was the result of developments of definitions equally understood by both the client and the customer. The need for such work has been brewing for a long time, because you will agree, it is quite difficult to be guided by generally accepted definitions in your work, moreover, when everyone understands them in their own way, both in meaning and in essence. Continue reading

How to make sales through the online store effective?
If Your company is engaged in wholesale or retail trade, the creation of an online…


How to make sales through the online store effective?
If Your company is engaged in wholesale or retail trade, the creation of an online…


Double quotes in meta tags, or how not to make harakiri
How to correctly place quotation marks in meta-tags? If the client requires or is required…
