A picture worth a thousand words
Now let's talk about the schedule on the Web-pages, because it is thanks to her…

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Why use system VDS
Nowadays, there are various technologies that allow just a few days to develop interesting sites,…

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Home page design
The purpose of the main page — to interest the user so that he wanted…

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Home page design

The purpose of the main page — to interest the user so that he wanted to see the site further. The basis of the site are the basement and the cap, they must be decorated in the same style with the rest of the site, the difference will be only in the content. In the basement and the header of the site you can place the latest news, links to new products or articles, links to pages with promotions and similar things.

If you look at the usual average site, the design of its main page will always be both cons and pros (now we will not be talking about the cap and the basement, and the Central part).

Most often, right under the cap is a wide flash movie with beautiful animation. Continue reading

How much is the site?

If You have made a choice in favor of professional website creation, namely you want to order it through a web-Studio, then one of the first questions arises :” how much does it cost to create a website?”.

The price of the issue-the creation of the site-depends on many factors and can vary within a fairly wide range. You can find a web-Studio that claims to make a website for 3000 rubles, and you can – and for 300,000 rubles. Let’s see, what is the cost of the site?

There are several components, of which in the end, and the cost of the site:

development of the concept (main idea) of the site;
writing technical specifications (commonly used abbreviation-TK); Continue reading

Google search engine algorithms
Algorithmically Google search engine PS (search engines) are mathematical formulae, with which the PS give…


Computer hardware configuration
What is described below assumes that You want to make a beautiful and stylish website…


Computer hardware configuration
What is described below assumes that You want to make a beautiful and stylish website…
