Error 404: how do I set up an Error 404 page?
Or add a multimedia banner. You can also get commercial benefit from this page by…

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How contextual advertising works
Today, if we have any question or need for any product, service, what do we…

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The importance of the brief on the development of website design in the work of Digital Agency
The dialogue between the customer and the contractor which determines what is important, what can…

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Content management system

CMS (Content management system) is translated from English “content management system/site”. Thanks to a convenient and simple interface, working with the data flow does not cause any difficulties. Once, most sites had to be managed via FTP. To make some adjustments or changes, it was necessary to thoroughly know the structure of the portal and a minimum understanding of the HTML language. Now the site management system allows even beginners to easily understand their complex architecture. Management is much easier because of the easy language of writing sites-PHP.

Requirements for CMS
The site management system allows even inexperienced users to freely work with content. Continue reading

The purchase of hosting
Creating a website, as you know, is quite a difficult task, which includes several operations.…


How to create a website for free?
Before we go directly to the topic of free website creation, let's think a little.…


How to create an attractive website?
So, you want to make a useful, beautiful and convenient site. What do you need…
