MODx CMS to create a website
MODX (in the Russian version sounds different - Modix or Modeks) is a fairly safe…

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Website development for lumber manufacturers
In today's world, no company, no matter what business it works, can not do without…

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WordPress, Joomla and Drupal-not the best CMS
No matter how popular these content management systems are, they are not the best CMS…

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A picture worth a thousand words

Now let’s talk about the schedule on the Web-pages, because it is thanks to her WWW has become the most popular Internet service, it is to her that we owe all this variety of pages.

What is special about graphics used on web pages?
And that it has certain restrictions with which we have to reckon and benefit from it.

Two main file formats are used for Web use – GIF and JPG. Now a new format for web graphics called PNG (pronounced “ping”) is being promoted, but it is still not widespread, and not all browsers understand it, so we will not deal with this format yet. Continue reading

What is the mobile version of the site?
In today's world, most people have a smartphone or tablet. Such gadgets are used to…


How to choose a web Studio to create a website
Bill gates said, " If Your business isn't online, you're not in business." Since then,…


Office furniture online stores
Online furniture store is one of the easiest ways to trade successfully, which requires only…
