Paid and free hosting. Which is better?
Once the site is ready, it is necessary to ensure its placement on the Internet.…

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Construction site: features
It is no longer necessary to talk about the need for a private Internet site…

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Website web design development
When discussing the design of the future site, quite often the customer has a question:…

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start the process

A picture worth a thousand words

Now let’s talk about the schedule on the Web-pages, because it is thanks to her WWW has become the most popular Internet service, it is to her that we owe all this variety of pages.

What is special about graphics used on web pages?
And that it has certain restrictions with which we have to reckon and benefit from it.

Two main file formats are used for Web use – GIF and JPG. Now a new format for web graphics called PNG (pronounced “ping”) is being promoted, but it is still not widespread, and not all browsers understand it, so we will not deal with this format yet. Continue reading

2 first steps of search engine optimization

The purpose of search engine optimization is to allow search engines not only to find your site and pages, but also to rank the relevance of the page so that it appears at the top of the search results. The optimization process is not one-time, it requires maintenance, configuration and continuous testing and monitoring.

Below are the first 2 steps for a search engine optimization strategy.

Step 1: target market Business analysis
Site analysis. Analysis of meta data/keywords, visible text and code to determine how well the site is positioned in search engines. For example, what is the correlation of code and text on your page. Continue reading

MODx CMS to create a website
MODX (in the Russian version sounds different - Modix or Modeks) is a fairly safe…


How to make sales through the online store effective?
If Your company is engaged in wholesale or retail trade, the creation of an online…


Paid and free hosting. Which is better?
Once the site is ready, it is necessary to ensure its placement on the Internet.…
