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Website development for lumber manufacturers
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What is the mobile version of the site?

In today’s world, most people have a smartphone or tablet. Such gadgets are used to access the Network. It is not surprising that more and more companies are ordering the creation of mobile sites that simplify navigation through web resources. Otherwise, you can lose potential buyers who are accustomed to simplicity and convenience.

Advantages of the mobile version of the site
The mobile version of the site is a full-fledged project with a unique design, designed to optimize the content. The main task of a web designer is to adapt the resource to a device with a small screen and to present all the information in one column. Often unnecessary blocks are removed, focusing on a specific section or product.

The only exception when you do not need to create a mobile version is a responsive website that automatically adapts to the device you are using. However, the percentage of such resources is very low – only 20% of the total number of portals.

In the list of advantages that the mobile version of the site has, it is worth highlighting the following points:

easy to use – no need to scroll horizontally, change font, enlarge text and images;
fast loading, which is provided by the absence of unnecessary scripts and large blocks;
optimization for search engines that also rank mobile versions of sites – you get the best rating and, as a result, more customers come to your resource.
To determine whether you need to make a mobile version of the site, just study the statistics of Yandex.Metrics or other visit counter. This data contains information about the number of visits from mobile phones.

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