Что такое стильный web-сайт?
Stylish web-site is when each page of your publication has a pronounced belonging to the…

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Office furniture online stores
Online furniture store is one of the easiest ways to trade successfully, which requires only…

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Website development for lumber manufacturers
In today's world, no company, no matter what business it works, can not do without…

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Home page design

The purpose of the main page — to interest the user so that he wanted to see the site further. The basis of the site are the basement and the cap, they must be decorated in the same style with the rest of the site, the difference will be only in the content. In the basement and the header of the site you can place the latest news, links to new products or articles, links to pages with promotions and similar things.

If you look at the usual average site, the design of its main page will always be both cons and pros (now we will not be talking about the cap and the basement, and the Central part).

Most often, right under the cap is a wide flash movie with beautiful animation. Continue reading

Content support
The concept of "content" as well as many terms in the field of information technology…


How to create a website for free?
Before we go directly to the topic of free website creation, let's think a little.…


How to choose a web Studio to create a website
Bill gates said, " If Your business isn't online, you're not in business." Since then,…
