Launching an online store: what you need to know
There are many factors to consider when launching a new commercial Internet project. If you…

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How to choose a domain? Rules for compiling domain names!
A well – known proverb says "as you name a ship-so it will sail...". Therefore,…

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Useful apps for SMM
SMM professionals involved in attracting traffic often have to perform many tasks from a smartphone.…

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Monthly Archives: August 2018

How to promote a business card website

Features of website promotion-business cards are determined by the features of the format, among which we can highlight:

small volume;
Large amount of graphics, and flash technology.
The task of the business card site is to provide users with basic information about the company, about what it does, to show all this from the best side.

How future clients find a corporate business card website
Often interested to search specify the query commercial subjects. Continue reading

Competent website development: design, graphics, content

In this article we will talk about the process of website development. Undoubtedly, the design and development of the site will require a lot of intellectual and time-consuming. But it is the 1st stage of website development that determines the future of the project and its successful functioning. The most important criterion for the site — usability, or in other words comfort for the visitor. Subsequent design development will depend on the principle of usability, which is quite difficult to organize. The main thing is to know the characteristics of the target audience.

Don’t force people to think
There are also a few common methods that will allow you to develop a really great site as much as possible. Only ease and clarity – these two concepts are at the heart of any ideas for the creation and development of a web site. Continue reading

How to choose a domain? Rules for compiling domain names!
A well – known proverb says "as you name a ship-so it will sail...". Therefore,…


MODx CMS to create a website
MODX (in the Russian version sounds different - Modix or Modeks) is a fairly safe…


WordPress, Joomla and Drupal-not the best CMS
No matter how popular these content management systems are, they are not the best CMS…
