How much is the site of a wholesale children's clothing factory?
Case: website development for children's clothing factory Difficulty: high Price: from 150 000 rubles Elapsed…

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Website promotion by traffic
We are pleased to offer a new type of search engine optimization and website promotion…

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How to choose a domain? Rules for compiling domain names!
A well – known proverb says "as you name a ship-so it will sail...". Therefore,…

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textual information

The purchase of hosting

Creating a website, as you know, is quite a difficult task, which includes several operations. Here we are talking not only about writing HTML code using CSS and developing a visual interface of web pages, but also about other, more “narrow” tasks. For example, for the functioning of the site will need to buy a hosting-a virtual place to host the Internet portal.

Job hosters
Hosters are a specific organization that has a large number of servers, computers, which stores the site or a separate web-page. Of course, the more pages a site contains, the more space it will take to store it. The same applies to content: Continue reading

MODx CMS to create a website
MODX (in the Russian version sounds different - Modix or Modeks) is a fairly safe…


Links to the site for successful promotion!
It's no secret that for the successful promotion of the site in the TOP need…


2 first steps of search engine optimization
The purpose of search engine optimization is to allow search engines not only to find…
