The importance of the brief on the development of website design in the work of Digital Agency
The dialogue between the customer and the contractor which determines what is important, what can…

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Website promotion by traffic
We are pleased to offer a new type of search engine optimization and website promotion…

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Google search engine algorithms
Algorithmically Google search engine PS (search engines) are mathematical formulae, with which the PS give…

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WordPress, Joomla and Drupal-not the best CMS

No matter how popular these content management systems are, they are not the best CMS on the market. Such a statement may upset the adherents of certain “engines”, but it is a statement of fact. Create a website based on the advantages of only one CMS-obviously the wrong decision. How to choose the right content management system without making assumptions “blindly”, not guided only by the name of a popular brand?

Which CMS should I use?
When you ask such a question to competent people, you often hear such answers:

Surely Joomla-the best!
Of course WordPress! Continue reading

Office furniture online stores
Online furniture store is one of the easiest ways to trade successfully, which requires only…


WordPress, Joomla and Drupal-not the best CMS
No matter how popular these content management systems are, they are not the best CMS…


How to choose a domain? Rules for compiling domain names!
A well – known proverb says "as you name a ship-so it will sail...". Therefore,…
