How to fill the site with unique content?
Do you have a ready-made online store, corporate website, but it is without the necessary…

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Programs used in web mastering
For making professional web pages You should professionally study some professional software :). So, what…

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How much is the site of a wholesale children's clothing factory?
Case: website development for children's clothing factory Difficulty: high Price: from 150 000 rubles Elapsed…

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SEO formula: website promotion strategy

Correct SEO strategy is a constant analysis of the site, its ranking in search engines, the correct operation of keywords and building a reference mass. Adapt to changes in search engines, watch for changes in algorithms, because what was good for the site before changing the algorithm, tomorrow may not play in favor of the site.

In principle, the main stages of SEO strategy are known to many, but perhaps not everyone still knows any nuances of internal or external optimization of the website, online store or blog.

So how does this formula work? The formula consists of the two most important aspects of SEO, which should be the most emphasis:

Effective internal structure of the site, as well as its information architecture Continue reading

Work with the customer on the eve of website creation
The bulk of people surfing the Internet do not think much about how the web…


How to equip a webmaster workplace in the car?
If you are inseparable from your car as well as with a personal laptop, you…


Error 404: how do I set up an Error 404 page?
Or add a multimedia banner. You can also get commercial benefit from this page by…
