Technology website promotion
There are General principles of website promotion in the TOP search engines. In principle, they…

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How to choose a domain? Rules for compiling domain names!
A well – known proverb says "as you name a ship-so it will sail...". Therefore,…

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Computer hardware configuration
What is described below assumes that You want to make a beautiful and stylish website…

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How to choose a domain? Rules for compiling domain names!

A well – known proverb says “as you name a ship-so it will sail…”. Therefore, if You decide to order the creation of the site, the first thing you need to think about is what name Your site will have, or rather – a domain name.

The easiest option for You is to buy a domain. But to cope with this task can be without financial costs, using only their intellectual resources and creativity.

But before we talk about the basic rules of selection of a domain name, let’s first understand the key concepts.

So, the domain (domain name) – is the address of the network connection that identifies the owner of this address, and simply put – is the address of Your website on the Internet. For example, Continue reading

Trends in the design of modern sites
Web technologies and the information world do not stand still, so all active members of…


Technology website promotion
There are General principles of website promotion in the TOP search engines. In principle, they…


Work with the customer on the eve of website creation
The bulk of people surfing the Internet do not think much about how the web…
