Paid and free hosting. Which is better?
Once the site is ready, it is necessary to ensure its placement on the Internet.…

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Optimizing images in JPG format
So, graphics for Your pages is ready. But putting it on the server is too…

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Competent website development: design, graphics, content
In this article we will talk about the process of website development. Undoubtedly, the design…

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Monthly Archives: December 2017

Links to the site for successful promotion!

It’s no secret that for the successful promotion of the site in the TOP need links from other sites.

These links can be obtained naturally-to create an interesting site, fill it with hundreds of useful materials, and better unique. Run an ad campaign and wait for people to start talking about it to each other. I. e. to place links to it.

As the number of links to Your site will grow, its position in the issuance should improve. This is logical. After all, the resource is more useful to the user than the unique and interesting information on it. The more they say, write, suggest. Continue reading

How to choose a domain? Rules for compiling domain names!

A well – known proverb says “as you name a ship-so it will sail…”. Therefore, if You decide to order the creation of the site, the first thing you need to think about is what name Your site will have, or rather – a domain name.

The easiest option for You is to buy a domain. But to cope with this task can be without financial costs, using only their intellectual resources and creativity.

But before we talk about the basic rules of selection of a domain name, let’s first understand the key concepts.

So, the domain (domain name) – is the address of the network connection that identifies the owner of this address, and simply put – is the address of Your website on the Internet. For example, Continue reading

How to create a website for free?
Before we go directly to the topic of free website creation, let's think a little.…


Outsourcing online store management: pros and cons
Online store management: complex of technical works related to maintenance and development of the resource…


How contextual advertising works
Today, if we have any question or need for any product, service, what do we…
