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How to choose a web Studio to create a website

Bill gates said, ” If Your business isn’t online, you’re not in business.” Since then, more or less successful and not very companies are thinking about the question of creating a website to get on the Internet.

Not quite understanding the goals and opportunities, many are trying to save:

Someone manages on their own, or rather the forces of a full-time sysadmin, programmer, it technician. That no special motivation is doing “as best he can”. So what? Cheap and angry. The goal is reached — the website is.

Other companies apply for freelancing. In search of the cheapest programmer, ready for a small fee to build a corporate website.

Others are thrown Masha-Secretary roll call of all the available web studios. Masha, of course clever, understands that the company needs a website. But why and how it should work — suggested that the KP web design and web development.

Anyway, these methods are suitable for the purpose of”to be.” The site is laid out on the Internet and … everything.

Created a website for the money spent. Clients and phone calls has not increased. Contact the promotion company. And she offers a website almost from scratch alter! Then the site becomes less like it, and programmers are inept… and the company does not know how to promote!

How to make the site perform its functions and did not cause trouble? The answer is simple — choose the right web Studio)

Before you create a website, you need to define the goal and set the tasks correctly. Agree, if you are engaged in electricity or cars, You do not understand this much. You have only some wishes.

Freelancer, sysadmin, programmer-friend are performers. They are perfectly able to do their job, if they correctly set the task!

But the tasks should be formulated by a Manager who understands Your tasks, needs and knows about the possibilities of Internet sites to solve Your problems.

And so, it turns out “something” like “something” and got it. It is not surprising that such a site did not meet Your expectations.

Specialists of a good web Studio will meet with You to understand what website You need and what technologies to offer you.

Here are the companies that are interested in Your needs, and who know all the possibilities of the Internet, you need to contact!

But, even if You are given enough attention, it is important to know. Now every second programmer is engaged in the creation of websites. For most — it is a way of part-time work. And without proper experience and proven skills is not possible to make a quality product. Therefore, a lot of dissatisfied customers, and therefore negative reviews.

Pay attention to reviews about the company and, if possible, check 2-3. It does not take much time, but You will be sure that this company is able to work.

Pay attention to the duration of the web Studio on the market. If the company has been operating for a long time, then for some reason it is trusted.

In a good web Studio prices are reasonable and the Manager can always explain to the client why his website will cost exactly that much. Do not trust those who come up with prices “from the ceiling.” If such a Studio does not meet the budget, it will save… on Your website.

Keep in mind, if a company is working in the Internet, it must constantly be in the work of projects. Without regular customers it is impossible to maintain the company. If you have projects not all the time, so she’s doing something else. You can’t make good doughnuts and drive a car and write poetry at the same time.

I hope our advice will be useful for You and your cooperation with the web Studio will be pleasant, fruitful and productive!

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