Computer hardware configuration
What is described below assumes that You want to make a beautiful and stylish website…

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Information is the basis of the Internet!
Information-that's what primarily attracts visitors to Your site. Everything else only helps to Orient in…

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Optimizing images in JPG format
So, graphics for Your pages is ready. But putting it on the server is too…

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Double quotes in meta tags, or how not to make harakiri

How to correctly place quotation marks in meta-tags? If the client requires or is required to specify the full names of companies in the meta tags: <meta name= “description”>, and if your content management system does not provide automatic replacement of quotes, then you may encounter a problem with the validity of the code. If in addition to the standard computer quotes ( ” ) we place one more inside the tag, such quotes, like a knife, cut the validity of the code, and such writing of the meta tag is incorrect. And we do not want our site to do itself harakiri.

Task. For example, we placed a meta tag Description with the name of the company-CJSC “Publishing house “Press”on the main page of the website of the publishing house. And in meta-tag indicated the contents with the same, computer, quotes:
how to write quotes in meta tag Continue reading

Paid and free hosting. Which is better?

Once the site is ready, it is necessary to ensure its placement on the Internet. If You just place the site on your computer, it will not be possible to go immediately after you turn off this computer. Just to make Your website available to users every minute, there is such a service as hosting.

Hosting service is to provide disk space on a remote server that has a permanent connection to the Internet and provides round-the-clock access to Your site. Simply put, on a special server you are allocated the required number of megabytes in the form of a directory that contains all the information that is on Your site-texts, documents, graphics, clips, etc. Continue reading

Website promotion by traffic
We are pleased to offer a new type of search engine optimization and website promotion…


How to choose a domain? Rules for compiling domain names!
A well – known proverb says "as you name a ship-so it will sail...". Therefore,…


The importance of the brief on the development of website design in the work of Digital Agency
The dialogue between the customer and the contractor which determines what is important, what can…
