Paid and free hosting. Which is better?
Once the site is ready, it is necessary to ensure its placement on the Internet.…

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Competent website development: design, graphics, content
In this article we will talk about the process of website development. Undoubtedly, the design…

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How to fill the site with unique content?
Do you have a ready-made online store, corporate website, but it is without the necessary…

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How to make sales through the online store effective?

If Your company is engaged in wholesale or retail trade, the creation of an online store is for You, first, a matter of prestige of the company, and, secondly, the need for a situation of constant competition.

Today, shopping via the Internet is no surprise: every day thousands of users make purchases through the websites of online stores. E-Commerce is firmly in our lives and certainly made “shopping” more effective. This is from the consumer’s point of view.

From the point of view of the company-sellers the main advantage of the online store is to minimize the time and overhead costs of working with customers. Continue reading

Error 404: how do I set up an Error 404 page?

Or add a multimedia banner. You can also get commercial benefit from this page by placing a block with advertising on it.

Useful information. Specify useful links, such as: “you May find these materials useful”, or specify links to the main services or the most popular sections, etc.

Useful links on page 404

How to make a 404 page?
Page 404 is created in a file.”htaccess”. This file should contain the line: ErrorDocument 404 /404, where “/404 ” – the address of the page 404 on your site.

Or this page is set directly in the administrative panel of the site, for example, if the site is managed by the MODx system. Continue reading

Computer hardware configuration
What is described below assumes that You want to make a beautiful and stylish website…


Website web design development
When discussing the design of the future site, quite often the customer has a question:…


Content support
The concept of "content" as well as many terms in the field of information technology…
